Privacy policy
CraftTalk is committed to ensure the highest level of protection of Personal Data. Personal Data processed by CraftTalk is handled in accordance with the Personal Data Protection and Privacy Principles adopted by the United Nations High-Level Committee on Management at its 36th meeting in October 2018.

Personal Data of the User is collected, processed, and stored in a fair and legitimate manner, for the sole purpose of providing and/or improving the Service. Under no circumstances, is Personal Data of the User used for any other incompatible purpose.

Appropriate technical measures are implemented by CraftTalk to protect the security of Personal Data of the User, including measures against unauthorized or accidental access, damage, or loss. CraftTalk may transfer Personal Data to a third party provided that the third party itself maintains appropriate protection for the Personal Data.

Personal Data of the User is only retained for the time that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

CraftTalk ensures a policy of transparency regarding the processing of Personal Data, as appropriate. The User may have access to Personal Data and may be granted the opportunity to rectify it, object to its processing, or request its deletion, insofar as the purpose for which Personal Data is processed is not frustrated violated. Any request in relation to the Personal Data must be submitted to "CRAFTTALK PROTECTED" explicitly specifying the reasons of said request.

CraftTalk uses cookies to offer visitors an improved browsing experience. CraftTalk may use web analytics products to collect various information regarding browsing of the Site, in particular the information about the Internet Protocol address of the visitors, the time spent on the Site, and which of its web pages are browsed, or the time and date of the visit. The visitors may, depending on their web browser, delete cookies at any time and/or make general settings regarding the acceptance, rejection and deletion of cookies. However, this may render certain features of the Site unavailable.